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Oil Painting Lesson [#7 Color Management & Hues]


A ~1 hour free oil painting lesson by the visual artist Miltos Despoudis. Lesson Subject - Color Management & Hues In this lesson you will learn to organize your oil colors and how to understand their effects in the painting. It is about defining a color arrangement by for example Saturation-Tone-Hue and trying to apply…

Watercolor Painting Lesson [#3 Paper Surface]


A ~1 hour watercolor painting lesson by the visual artist Miltos Despoudis. Lesson Subject - Paper Surface In this lesson we will have an overview of papers and alternative surfaces to paint with watercolors. We will try to understand how to choose the quality that suits to our painting style. Free & Paid Tickets Meetup…

Oil Painting Lesson [#6 Subject Matters]


A ~1 hour free oil painting lesson by the visual artist Miltos Despoudis. Lesson Subject - Subject Matters In this lesson we will try to rationalize the process of deciding what to paint. Many people might be stuck at the early stages of deciding what to paint. This lesson will inspire you and make things…