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Oil Painting Lesson [#12 Form Balance]


A ~1 hour oil painting lesson by the visual artist Miltos Despoudis. Lesson Subject - Form Balance In this lesson you will learn how to balance the color of the forms in relations to each other. This is a way or recognizing what color form qualities have more weight inside a painting. A common problem…

Painting Workshop – Watercolor, Oil, Acrylics


Paint using your prefered art material (watercolors, oil or acrylics) in this workshop while an tutor is helping you out. The art tutor will also be creating his personal paintings, so this will be very helpful to watch too. Art tutor for the event is the visual artist Miltos Despoudis. His website - His Instagram…


Oil Painting Lesson [#11 Plasticity]


A ~1 hour oil painting lesson by the visual artist Miltos Despoudis. Lesson Subject - Plasticity In this lesson you will learn a few tricks about toning, shadows and light. You learn the power of using tones and plasticity in your paintings. The lesson plan sofar is detailed here: Free & Paid Tickets Meetup…
